Bohužiaľ aj toto patrilo k spojazdneniu kanalizácie v dome - stavbári ešte pod vedením pána Oltusa zrejme neoplývali pocitom zodpovednosti a dobre vykonanej práce. Pochopiteľne, nepracovali na svojom. Škoda že pán Oltus to tiež zobral športovo.
Rúry boli upchaté obrovským množstvom betónu, malty, polystyrénu a cementu.
Akosi mi k tomu nestačí odpoveď: "No, tak stalo sa, asi to tak bude."...
Unfortunately this activity was needed to make my house in operational condition, as well - the workers under Mr. Oltus´s management did not really feel any responsibility to the work done. Understandable - they did not work on their own house. It´s just a pity that also Mr. Oltus took it really inpersonally.
Tubes were blocked by a huge amount of concrete, mortar, styrofoam and cement.
I don´t know - the response "So, it happend, most probably that happened." is not enough to me...
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