Odkedy Eliška býva v našej domácnosti, zistila, že tu má celkom zaujímavý život.
Okrem toho, že bola nútená zvyknúť si na Corku, začala byť odvážnejšia a začala ju dokonca provokovať. Rada vylihuje na jej dekách :-)
Okrem toho podrástla a objavuje svet okolo, robí si krátke poznávacie výlety okolo susedov.
Objavila Boba a naoko sa tvária ako urazené funítka, Bobes jej ale nosí myšky pred garáž :-) nechutné ale milé.
Eliška začala výrazne milovať jedlo a bola by schopná kvoli nemu aj vliezť do konzervy. Pribrala, furt má plné bruško, papá s chuťou a nahlas to aj ocení.
Miluje škrabátko od Milici a má odtiaľ blízko do domu ku kvietkom pre prípad, že sa otvoria dvere.
Inak ma zábavný život a schováva sa v garážovej sedačke pod dekou, tam spáva a odtiaľ vykúka. Svoju najlepšiu skrýšu na svete pod kolesom už nevyužíva, sedačka je zábavnejšia - a hlavne sa už nepotrebuje báť ničoho.
Vyjedá chrobáčiky a naháňa si žalude a orechy, jedného dňa, keď už bude bývať len vonku, bude jej možno aj smutno za garážovou zábavou.
Since Eliška lives with us she had the opportunity to find out how interesting her life can be.
Except getting used to Cora she was forced to be a little bit more courageous and started to provoke her - she likes lying on Cora´s blankets :-)
Except this she is getting older and explores step by step the world around, she makes small sightseeing trips to the neighbours.
She got known to Bobo and officially they play seriously outraged puffies, but Bobo gives her small gifts regularly :-) small killed mouses :-) disgusting but nice.
Eliška started loving food and she is able to put herself in a can just to reach it asap. She got on weight, her tummy is full all the time, eats with a really good taste and expresses her satisfaction.
She loves the scratcher from Milica and it is close to the flowers in the living-room fro there.
Summarized, her life here is full of interesting things and fun. She hides quite often in the garage sofa under her blanket, she sleeps there and follows the world if she is too sleepy to move more. Her best hiding place under the tyre is left plain already, sofa is more funny - and - she doesn´t need to run anywhere due to Cora.
She eats beetles and bugs and plays with nuts... one day after moving outside of garage completely, she will probably get a bit upset because of missing all these funny stuff which are currently a part of her garage-life.
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