Má k nemu takmer identický vzťah ako Corka. S jediným rozdielom: nezožuje okamžite všetko čo vidí, ale je schopná si jedlo dávkovať, medzitým pobehať a vrátiť sa k žužlaniu na pokračovanie.
Ale to podstatné z hľadiska jej stravovania je: jedlo je moje, neber mi ho, daj mi hlavne masko, zemiak, smotanku a z ostatného si vyberiem keď budem hladná. Super ak mi dáš aj Corkine granulky, vopred ďakujem!
Her relations to food are almost identical as Cora´s. With one big difference: she doesn´t eat everything she sees immediately, but she is able to devide her food in more portions naturally, run and play between courses and come back to her plate later.
So her basic characteristics related to food are: this food is mine, don´t take it from me, give me meat, creamer, patatoes, and from the rest I will choose later. Great if you add me some Cora´s food, thanks in advance!
Lahôdka: kačacie kostičky
Delicious: duck bones
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