Eliška už býva vonku vo svojom domčeku - garáž už je pre ňu len občasným výletným miestom... Vonku má svoj domček (kde býva), svoje jedlo, a kamošov (predovšetkým Boba a Corku). Každý deň ma víta keď prídem domov, pozdraví sa, vletí do domu akonáhle otvorím dvere, spraví si okružnú jazdu po dome, vypýta si večeru a svoju dennú dávku lásky. Úplne sa udomácnila.
V dome sa inak nezdržiava, občas sa jej podarí nepozorovane vkráčať dnu tak, že si ju nikto nevšimne... podobne ako uplynulý víkend, kedy sa schovala na prízemi pod modrú deku a tam sladko zaspinkala.
Objavila som ju asi po hodinke, kto vie čo sa jej snívalo?
Eliška lives outside already, she´s got a small cat-house and garrage is just an exploring area time-to-time... Garden is full of exciting things for her - toys, flowers, grass, friends (mostly Bobo and Cora). She welcomes me every day when I come home, says hello, enters the house as soon as I open the door, runs a circle in the house and comes to ask for a dinner and her daily portion of love. She feels home here - and this was my goal.
Usually she is not in the house, sometimes she successfully comes in without being noticed by anyone... like last weekend, when she was hidden under the blue plaid and had fallen into a sweet sleep.
I found her after an hour, guess what kind of a dream she had?
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