Opäť je prvý letný deň. Pred rokom bolo slnečno, kopec roboty pred aj za nami, a na Kuchajde koncert Desmodu (ak si dobre pamätám).
V noci sme sa ešte otočili na trase BA-DL s haldou polystyrénu. Zastavili nás policajti na "ulici Svornosti", kúsok od nadrogovaných sociálnych pracovníčok :-). Že bežná prehliadka. Skôr to bolo s nevyslovenou otázkou - "kam veziete ten polystyrén uprostred noci" zabalenou do vyslovenej otázky "idete zatepľovať?"... I keď v noci tiež divná otázka - skôr by som sa spýtala, či "to fakt treba prevlačovať v noci" :-))) ale v podstate ich do toho nič nebolo.
Ani sa mi nechce veriť, ako ten čas letí a čo všetko sa odvtedy udialo...
Tento rok prší. Možno dážď do večera ustane a otvorím si šampanské :-)
Možno o rok budeme na to šampanské dvaja, dúfam :-))))
First summer day again. Last year´s was really sunny and hot, log of work done and still waiting for us, and Desmod played on Kuchajda.
In the night we turned once more the BA-DL direction with a car filled by polystyrene. We were stopped by policemen, not so far from the stoned "social workers" (women, of course). Teoretically for a standard check up. The silent question - "where the hell you carry this in the middle of the night" was hidden in the rank question "are you planning to heat up the house?"... Even this question was strange - I would probably rather ask "does this really need to be carried in the middle of the night?" :-))) but this was not their business anyway.
It´s hard to believe how quickly time flies and how many things happened since then...
This year the first summer day is rainy. Possibly it stops till the evening and I open a champagne :-)
And - possibly next year we will be two to enjoy this together :-))))
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