A bit of relax after the Christmas party... seems we are getting older and older, even without drinking alcohol I feel completely useless after the night...
Zato zverejňujem nechutný dôkaz Eliškinej aktívnej činnosti, vďaka ktorej v našej záhrade neprežije žiadny zver ktorý do nej podľa jej uváženia nepatrí (a je menší než ona). No, po nedospatej noci ma takéto pohľady fakt fascinujú - prečo sa to nedokáže odpratať samé?
(Nezverejňovala som to, ale keďže ktosi vyjadril pochybnosť, že táto mačka niečo chytí za celý svoj život, nedá mi potešiť aj Vaše očko občerstvujúcim pohľadom...)
ok, but life in my garden goes on, and I publish a disgusting prove of Eliska´s activity - well - thanks to her killing instincts there are no surviving animals in this garden except those which are not interesting to her (or ar larger to her).
After such a sleepy night I don´t really need such fantastic views, why isn´t it possible to have it cleaned without my added value? Furthermore, Eliška needs to be praised for this - and she is really proud.
(I wouldn´t publish it, but someone told me: it is not possible to see this cat hunting on anything in her life - so it´s my pleasure to freshen-up your mind...)
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