3.20: nechcený budíček
4.15: vzdala som točenie sa v posteli
4.44: Cora najedena, riady umyté, odchod na prechádzku
6.00: doprechádzali sme sa, dobre padlo
6.15: pozbierali sme slimáky v záhrade
6.20: rozmýšľala som čo so sebou ďalej
6.25: na linke pristála tekvica na pečenie a kapusta na dusenie
6.30: tekvica sa odsunula do rúry a kapusta do pary
8.15: vyriešené maily, prečítané správy, všetko upečené a uvarené
8.30: riady umyté, kuchyňa uprataná, deň môže začať...
A Eliška stále nikde.
3.20: not really welcome - but I woke up
4.15: I decided to stop turning here and there in the bed
4.44: Cora had her breakfast, everything cleaned, go for a walk
6.00: end of our early morning walk
6.15: cleaning the garden
6.20: thinking about the next morning activities
6.25: a pumpkin and a cabbage appeared in the kitchen
6.30: both went to the oven to be cooked/baked
8.15: mails done, news read, everything baked and cleaned
8.30: kitchen cleaned as well and this day can begin...
And Eliška is still not at home.
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