V polovici júna dozrela kopa zeleniny v záhrade na hriadke 1 x 9 m.
Bola tu kopa reďkovky, kopa hlávkového a listového šalátu, cibuľka (zostane na jeseň), kopa hrášku (skončil v mraziaku), narcisy a tulipány.
In the mid of June most of the vegetables were ready to harvest. I did not provide too much space - just 1 x 9 m of the whole area of my mini-garden. But I had a lot of radish, lettuce, onions, peas, daffodills and tulips.
Ešte bolo trochu pomenej jahôd, veľmi veľa čiernych ríbezlí, josta a trocha málo červených ríbezlí.
Then some strawberries (just a little), a relatively huge amount of blackcurrents and some redcurrants, josta (similar to blackcurrants).
A bude ešte pokračovanie jahôd, zelerová vňať, ružičkový kel, fazuľa, dve bobuľky rakytníka a celkom dosť ostružín/černíc, hrozno, nejaké slivky a možno trochu malín.
A samozrejme okrasné liesky.
And there is still the upcoming season for the rest of strawberries, cellary, brussels sprouts, beans, 2 pieces of some great orange fruits similar to sallow (but I have no clue how to call it in English), then a relatively huge amount of blackberries, grapes, some plums and some raspberries.
And of course, some hazel nuts (the small ones).
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