Prvá reakcia známych bola: to treba zlikvidovať za čerstva.
Moja prvá reakcia bola: akurát mi prinášajú šťastie do domu.
Môj konečný verdikt je: nezlikvidovať, iba vymyslieť obkakávátko, aby ich každoročný pobyt v našej prítomnosti v plnom zdraví prežila fasáda domu aj všetko čo by potenciálne utrpelo ujmy na zdraví. Obkakávátko zatiaľ nemám ale aktívne sa na tom pracuje...
Včera som postrehla, že v jednom z hniezd (dokopy budú tri, viac si neprosim a proti výstavbe ďalších zakročím radikálne) sa niečo deje. Buď tam sedia na vajíčkach, alebo už žije nová generácia, isté je, že lastovička aktívne prilieta a nosí mušky na papanie svojim príbuzným.
Teeeda, už sa postarali o to, aby sem každý rok prilietali deti ich detí. Bude to príjemné, skoro ako u dedka, keď prileteli, prišla jar a zmizlo veľa mušiek z dvora. Od marca do augusta bolo na dvore živo.
Z čias, kedy sa ešte viac tradovalo a ľudia žili viac v spojení s prírodou, sa na lastovičky pozerali širokospektrálnymi okuliarmi. Toto všetko sa o nich hovorí:
... že sú poslom jari...
... že sú symbolom lásky...
... že sú symbolom vernosti domovu...
... a že prinášajú do domu šťastie...
Nikde sa nehovorí o tom, že by to šťastie aj odnášali do teplých krajín, preto verím, že ho tu nechajú dostatok.
A ešte sa hovorí:
... že keď vysoko lietajú, bude vietor...
... a keď nízko lietajú, bude pršať...
Pozrime sa na to, čo prinesú k nám, v podstate jar, láska, domov, šťastie, vetrík aj dážď sú vítané elementy za každých okolností.
2 weeks ago I noticed strange activities under the roof. Swallows started to build their home there.
The first reaction of my visitors was: you need to destroy it, as soon as possible.
My first reaction was: at this moment they are bringing happiness to the house.
My last decision is: let them live here freely, just find out and install some "obkakavatko" to be sure that also the walls of the house and everything related will survive their stay here without any damages. I still don´t have this "obkakavatko", but we are working on it actively...
Yesterday I noticed that something interesting happens in one of their homes (together, I let them 3 nests, not more). 2 possible things could happen: one is - that they are sitting on their eggs already, and the other one is - that there are some babies already. But - the adult swallow is flying like a hell and bringing some food to its relatives continously, for sure.
Sooo, seems they did their best to guarantee the come-back (or fly-back) of their children and their children here in the future. This will be nice, almost the same as at my grand father. Swallows brought spring almost immediately and many flies dissapeared naturally. Since March till August the garden lived its active life.
In the past people took care about traditions more and were much more connected with the nature than now. Swallows were considered the ones, who were:
... bearers of spring...
... symbols of love...
... symbols of faithfulness to home...
... bringing good luck and happiness to home...
No one says they are taking this happiness also out of home in the autumn, so I believe they bring and leave enough of it here as well.
And they also say:
... if they fly high, wind is coming...
... and if they fly close to the earth, rain is coming...
Let´s look what do they bring to us. Spring, love, home, happiness, wind and rain are welcome at any moment in time.
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