Teda nastala fáza č. 2: fyzické úsilie prekopať aspoň pár cm povrchu tej udupanej pôdy, po ktorej predpokladám chodili nákladné autá, uskladňoval sa stavebný materiál a bohviečo ešte... a o čom p. Katona tvrdil, že to prekopal, ale opäť sme sa presvedčili - že aj v tejto veci klamal.
Teda pri sadení stromčekov a brečtanu to nebolo len tým že bola pokročilá jeseň...
Few weeks ago the garden reached the wished condition - all weeds were killed by fondo, but on the other hand we found out we could not collect the rubbish...
So the 2nd phase put it´s hands up: physical effort to refresh at least few cms of the soil, which turned into an almost concrete surface due to vans, storage of a building materials and so on... and - unfortunately this is another point where Mr. Katona lied to me.
I just understand that last year, when we placed the trees here, this soil was not so heavy due to late autumn...
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