Toto všetko sa dnes umiestnilo do záhrady do zeme a som zvedavá, čo z toho vyrastie na jar. Čisto teoreticky by záhrada mala byť výrazne farebná a plná tulipánov, narcisov, hyacintov, krókusov, a všeličoho podobného.
All this stuff was placed into the garden today and I am really curious about what really appears there in spring time. Teoretically my garden should be very colourfull and full of tulips, narcissus, hyacints, crocus and other beautifull flowers.
V podstate v záhrade skončili aj tieto chryzantémy, ale Cora ich v rámci svojej zdochlinovej noci vykynožila a už neexistujú... :-)
Practically also these chrysanthemas were placed in the garden, but were killed during Cora´s disgusting "carcass" night... :-)
Takto fungujeme keď je u nás niekto na návšteve - vzhľadom na to, že v hosťovskej izbe býva zatiaľ Corka a v najväčšej je centrálny sklad, návšteva sa v pohodičke vie vyspať na prízemí... a dokonca aj v zime je tu veľmi teplo. Mimochodom, v týchto končinách raz bude pec :-)
This is how we exist if someone comes to visit us and stays overnight - as because the guest room is temporarily occupied by Cora and the largest room is currently our central storage room, our visitor can sleep in the living room... and even in winter time it is really warm here. Btw, this place exactly is reserved for a fireplace one day :-)
Tráva absolvovala svoje posledné (alebo predposledné) kosenie, uvidíme podľa počasia...
Grass was cut for the last (most probably) time this year, let´s see by the weather...
Cora 2x vbehla do garáže a vyplašila Elišku - čo síce nie je problém ale Eliška zažila infarktové stavy :-) začína si zvykať na mínové pole...
No a keďže už máme normálnu trávu, Cora sa mohla regulérne okúpať a dosušiť na slnku... inak sa pri tom náramne nudila.
Cora shocked our kitten 2x - which is not a problem but Eliška realized it can be really scary to live in one garden with Cora´s kind of a dog... it´s like a minefield for her.
As we have got grass already, Cora could have her standard bath and she could enjoy drying outside... but she was bored so got asleep.
Ešte sme objavili, že onedlho dozrie hrozno a že slivky sú už akurát.
We found out that grapes will be eatable soon and plumbs are ok already.
Presunula som kvitnúci kaktus von do chládku
I moved the cactus in blossom outside to the shade
Vysadili sme ruže okolo plota nech o rok nepozeráme zo záhrady na autá...
We placed rozes around the garden to avoind watching parking cars next year...
našli sme červený egreš a užívali sme si neskoré slnečné popoludnie...
we found a beautifull red gooseberry and enjoyed a late sunny autumn afternoon...
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