Takto dopadli jarné kvietky (krókusy), ktoré som sadila neskoro v novembri... Okrem všetkých tých, čo sú vysadené v záhrade priamo v zemi, tieto sú v kvetináčoch aby zdobili terasu. Nateraz skončili v predsieni - keďže vyrašili a sú zelenšie ako som predpokladala...
May be it´s strange (at least for myself sure), but our home is a really great place to grow anything green, floral and growing.
This is how our spring crocuses look like, they were set late in November... Except those ones placed directly in the garden these ones have been planted to decorate the terrace in spring. Now they decorate the entrance hall - they are greener then expected this time...
Mandarínkam sa tiež celkom darí, rastú a dozrievajú stále nové.
Mandarines do well too, they grow and give fruit all the time.
Druhý pokus o zamioculcas - nakoľko prvý neprežil vlaňajšie zimné sťahovanie do bytu.
The second version of zamioculcas - because of the first version did not survive the last year´s moving to the flat in winter.
Sezónna miniatúrna ružička, ktorá nahradila ostré chilli a chryzantému.
The seasonal miniature rose which replaced the hot chilli and chrysanthemium.
Vodná kráska v kúpeľni - zatiaľ to zvláda, možno sa jej tu bude dariť viac ako sa darilo fikusiakovi.
Water beauty in the bathroom - up-till-now it survives, hopefully it will like the place much more than the ficus previously.
Veľký zachránený fikus, ktorý zomieral už v obchode a u nás doma ožil. Doviezli sme ho s pomocou pána Benku.
The big ficus - survival, which was dying at the fleurist already. We brought it home with the help of Mr. Benka.
Fikus, ktorý v kúpeľni padal a padal... a padal už v obchode... a konečne ožíva.
Ficus which did not really like the place in bathroom upstairs... nor in the shop... and finally seems taking another breathe.
Voskový kvietok, ktorý viac nežil ako žil.
A wax-flower which was more dead than live.
Divná palma to isté.
Strange palm tree the same.
Ďalšia palma, ktorá v obchode zomierala...
Another palm tree dying at the fleurist...
Čínske ruže z konárikov.
CHinese roses from branches.
No a všetky ostatné kvietky, ktoré sa tu už objavili v iných článkoch, si úspešne šijú svoj kľudný zelený život.
And all other flowers which have been showed in other posts successfully live their own quiet green lives.
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