Kuchyňa a rúra tento uplynulý víkend prežila svoje prvé testovacie Vianoce.
V utorok sme mali pracovnú husacinu v Grobe a taxikár čo ma viezol domov, bol môj bývalý sused z Kolosea.
V stredu či vo štvrtok napadla fúra snehu (teda fúra - na tunajšie pomery fúra) a začalo byť intenzívne pod nulou aj cez deň... Vtedy šla na podobnú akciu potvorka tak som uvítala možnosť testovacej jazdy v tej večernej aj minusovej zime vyhriatym autíčkom.
Keďže zima trvala až do víkendu, naše plány vyraziť na Vianočné trhy padli za obeť pečeniu vianočných sladkostí. No a v sobotu večer sme si Vianočné trhy nahradili čerstvou vianočnou susedskou kapustnicou aj s pár zasneženými koláčikmi od nás a chutnou hruškou, kôprovicou či vareným vínom od ďalších susedov... V nedeľu som dostala od susedky tradičné imelo a od ďalšej účet za vodu :-) a pekný víkend je za nami.
The kitchen and the oven survived their first testing Christmas cooking/baking last weekend.
We had a Christmas Goose Fest in Grob on Tuesday, and I was surprised of meeting my former neighbour from Koloseo - who took me home by a taxi.
On Wednesday of Thursday a lot of snow appeared outside (well - "lot" means lot in this area) and temperatures dropped down bellow zero for 24 hours a day... Those days our friend went to a similar party so I was really happy of having the opportunity to test his heated car both in evening´s and early morning´s freezes.
As far as this weather last even during the weekend our plans to visit the Christmas markets were replaced by baking the sweet Christas cakes. And on Saturday night we replaced it by the fresh Christmas neighbours cabbage soup with some snowed cakes (made by me) and delicious pear, dill or hot wine (prepared by other neighbours... On sunday I received a traditinal mistletoe from my neighbour and the bill for water use from the other one :-) and the nice weekend was over.
Takže takto si užívala čerstvo napadaný sneh Corka / So this is how Corka enjoyed the fresh snow:
Takto sa pieklo... / And this is how our baking looked like...
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