Úplne krásne dni (obzvlášť v decembri) treba využiť patrične využiť - a tento víkend spadol do kategórií:
- umývanie okien
- pranie záclon
- zvyšok pracovných aktivít
- cigánska a klobáska s vareným vínom na Vianočných trhoch
- a potom oddych
Ešteže svietilo slniečko a Corka mohla celý deň lietať po záhrade a nakúkať donútra cez okno, či jej neušlo nejaké jedlo (náhodou) :-)
Beautifull days (specially in December) should be used on a proper way - and this weekend filled the following categories:
- cleaning all windows
- washing the curtains
- finishing some work activities
- Christmas delicious quick lunch (meat, sausages and hot wine) on Christmas markets
- and then relax
Luckily the sun was shinig and Cora could run and play in the garden all the time, and, of course, she could check us and her food stuff through the window occasionally :-)
Inak do záhrady zavítala neskorá jeseň (zimou sa to ešte nazvať nedá). Brečtan zeleno-červenie a kvitnú ponovembrové chryzantémy.
Anyway late autumn came into our garden (we cannot call it "real winter"). The Ivy gets gren-redish and after-november chrysanthemium is in blossom.
A ešte jedna novinka v záhrade: namontovali sme k višni búdku pre vtáčiky. Neviem či sa do nej zmestia, ale ak nie, slaninku im pripevním na balkónik... Corka už pod ňou obsmŕda, cíti jedlo a nevie sa k nemu dostať :-)
Well - and - one more news in the garden: we installed a bird-house close to the cherry-tree. I don´t know if they are able to reach the fat and grain inside, but if not, the fat will be moved to its "balcony"... Cora explores the area already, she feels food but has no access, frustrating :-)
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