Pre modranských vinárov trocha neuveriteľná vec (ako skonštatovali): moje hrozno v Lužnej malo v pondelok (3.mája) takéto veľké kvietky:
A strange thing happened (at least to winemakers): my grapes in Lužná had such nice flowers on Monday (May 3rd):
Teraz o týždeň neskôr to vyzerá takto:
And now, a week later, it looks like this:
Kým nevideli fotky, tvrdili že sa mi to len zdá a určite to pučia listy len to neviem rozoznať (ha ha, lebo blondínka, že?).
Keď uvideli fotky, zostali v šoku a skonštatovali, že asi je teda v Lužnej teplejšie ako inde a naozaj to kvitne.
Samozrejme, dostala som aspoň pár dobrých rád (keďže dedko už nežije a iný z našej rodiny sa v tom nevyzná) a viem, že na budúci rok už necháme aj nejaké to ročné drevo na zostarnutie :-)
Until no pictures were available for them, they were sure it just seems to me and those things should be leaves - and it is just me who cannot distinguish leaves from flowers (of course, I am blonde, that´s the reason).
After analyzing my pictures from Monday they were shocked and confirmed that seems Lužná is a much warmer country than other in Slovakia, and those nice things are flowers for sure. (so I am not as blonde...)
Of course, I have got some good advise (as far as my grandfather is not between us anymore and other family members cannot help) and now I know, next year we keep some year-old wood to get older :-)
Zdá sa, že budeme mať celkom zaujímavú úrodu hrozna :-) mňamki-mňam.
Seems we are going to have quite nice harvest of grapes :-) yummyyyy.
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