Toto všetko zatiaľ po všetkých šokoch prežíva v záhrade... jarné kvietky už odkvitli + miestami boli zasypané, avšak budúci rok budú mať šancu buď vyrásť do krásy, alebo zhniť v zemi na humus pre nové.
Niektoré kríky boli kompletne zasypané zemou - ešte raz vďaka všetkým mužíkom, ktorí nemajú cit pre hodnoty (to už vieme... vidím to furt a všade, bohužiaľ, iba málo výnimiek som zatiaľ stretla).
Teda preto je záhrada v takom úbohom stave...
This is all that is currently trying to survive in the garden... spring flowers are gone already + some parts of the garden they were covered up by new soil. But in the future they will have a chance to grow and blossom again, or stay under ground and feed up the new ones.
Some bushes were completely covered by soil - once more thanks to all men who proved again what a sense for values they have (but this is not a surprise... I can see it all the time and everywhere, unfortunately, only few individuals are different).
So - this is the reason of the garden´s poor condition...
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