Mešká, kvitne a niečo z toho aj možno bude :-)
Kukurica je mňam - a pripomína mi hlavne dve veci:
1. pokus o sledovanie hororu kedysi s Mirom, ale radšej som sa vedome prinútila zaspať aby som ho nevidela. Pritom vraj to nebolo nič moc - akurát nemám ani šajnu či to boli tieto Deti kukurice alebo tieto? Deti kukurice III) alebo niečo medzi tým? Zobudila som sa až ráno :-)
2. film Apocalypto, ktorý som videla nedávno v noci, a bol skutočne dobrý, teatrálny thriller Mela Gibsona. Kukuričné pole bola cesta ku "kvázi" slobode... Na to, že Amerika, nebolo to komerčné. Po troch týždňoch tropických nocí prišla vtedy konečne búrka.
/ Delayed, with late flowers and something usefull in August :-)
Corn is ok, and it reminds me 2 things:
1. my try to watch a horror-movie with Miro few years ago, which I finally did not see because I purposely fell asleep to avoid watching. He told it was ok - but I really have no clue - whether it was this Children of Corn or this one? Children of Corn III) or something between? I woke up in the morning :-)
2. and a movie Apocalypto, which I saw few days ago. This one I liked, a theatral thriller of Mel Gibson. A corn field was the gate to the imaginary freedom... This was not as commercial as most of american movies are. Americans don´t like it :-) expectably. That night was the one when if finally rained after 3 weeks of tropical nights here.
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