Tak blízko domu v nočných hodinách sme ju s Corkou dnes zastihli po prvý raz :-) išli sme sa kuknúť aj toť za dom. Corke sa páčili megamechanizmy s veľkými svetlami, chŕliace nepoužiteľné zvyšky zožatého obilia zadkom von :-)
Potešilo ma, že rovnako ako za komunistov, hasičské autá tu boli na mieste, strážnici (zabíjajúci komáre v zatvorenom aute) tiež, a chlapík v kabínke kombajnu mal aspoň menšie horúčavy ako cez deň. No lebo ani to sa už dnes nevidí často, bohužiaľ. Chválim teda miestne družstvo :-), čo už Pavlína tlmočila ďalej :-)
Žatva začala už pred vyše týždňom (aspoň v našich končinách určite) a robí sa nonstop. Verím tomu, že celkom dosť okolo-žijúcich ľudí si to ešte nevšimlo - keďže zrovna včera som dostala nevinnú otázku od jedného sofistikovane sa správajúceho, nesmierne vzdelaného občana našej obce: "Veď z tých polí to všetko aj tak zmizne až na jeseň a teraz chodia tie kombajny z družstva cez Lužnú len tak kvôli údržbe asi... Nechápem prečo sa vôbec premávajú a robia tu hluk a prach zrovna teraz v lete?".
No, omyl, mladý muž. V tej chvíli som si pomyslela svoje, skomentovala som to jednoduchou, takmer holou vetou, že "Žatva už začala." a radšej som nerozmýšľala, či jeho reakcia bola viac na smiech alebo viac na zaplakanie...
Hmm, vtipné na celej veci je, že odkráčal domov svojmu synovi za pomoci leporela vysvetliť, čo je to kombajn :-), keďže ho to náramne zaujímalo, lebo ho vidí prechádzať popred dom každý deň.
Tonight we could see it with Cora so close to our house for the first time :-) we went to have a look right behind our houses. Cora liked these megastuff with lights a lot. She specially liked the way how useless parts of wheat were blown out of the harvester :-)
Which I liked a lot - was the fact, that similar to the communism time, even firemen and securities were on the place (eventhough they were busy by killing mosquitos in their hermetically closed cabines). Because everybody tries to save cost wherever possible. I´ve sent my positive reaction to the local provider :-), which Pavlína interpreted alredy :-)
Harvest started more than a week ago (at least here, in our neighbourhood) and it is in its full process nonstop. I believe there are quite a lot of people who still did not notice this fact - which is unbelievable - yesterday I was asked an innocent question. A sophistically behaving, extremely smart man living in our village asked: "Everything disappears of these fields in the autumn and now all these combines and mechanisms are crossing Lužná most probably due to their maintenance... I can´t understand, why do they cross our streets and make as much dust and loud exactly now in summer?".
Sorry, gentleman. That moment my thoughts were isolated only in my head and my only comment was really a simple sentence: "Harvest started already." and I rather did not think of the contraversion whether his reaction was more to laugh or more to cry...
Hmm, funny - he left home to explain his son with the help of a pop-up picture book what the harvester is :-), because his little son was really interested, watching these big big stuff crossing the street in front of their house every day.
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