Dnes sa vybrali na krátky "rodinný výlet" Lipnickou k veterinárovi :-)
Samozrejme, že to opäť spôsobilo rozruch - v prvom rade v kruhu zveriny žijúcej v priľahlých domoch.
Tentokrát sme nestretli babičky stepujúce pred domom a počuteľne polemizujúce nad tým, prečo si novousadlíci musia vodiť psa na vodítku po ulici medzi ľuďmi :-) bolo asi moc skoro, alebo neskoro? :-)
(čakali sme na Elišku, ktorá čosi lovila na poli)
Baby si "výlet" užili :-), zaočkované na celý rok a zbohom choroby...
Today we had a short "family trip" on Lipnicka street, on the way to the vet :-)
Of course, it caused a lot of confusion, mess and loud on the street, first of all in the animal population of the houses.
This time we did not meet any oldies stepping in front of their houses and loudly complaining on the fact that new inhabitants have a completely unlogical habit - walking their dogs in the streets of this village, between people :-) hm, did we go too early, or too late? :-)
(we were waiting for a while until Eliška returns from her hunt in the fields)
But my girls enjoyed this "trip" a lot :-) vaccinations done - bye diseases...
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