Brečtan miestami rastie konečne svojou štandardnou rýchlosťou (odkedy dostal zem).
Celkom by sa hodilo zvýšiť plot - je to na susedovi a hlavne je načase.
Pre vysvetlenie: spodok plota som robila ja na moje náklady, a zvýšenie plota by mal spraviť on na svoje náklady. Rozhovor už na túto tému bol, činy z jeho strany zatiaľ žiadne. Asi budem musieť byť opäť asertívna a dám to spraviť aj s bránkou a susedovi dám účty na preplatenie... :-) chválabohu že mám normálneho suseda a že ním nie je vzácna slečna Janotová.
I am quite happy I can see the ivy growing by its standard speed (since it was covered up by new additional soil).
It would be great to let the fencing grow up as well :-) - that´s my neighbours´s job, and it´s time to make it now.
To explain why: the bottom part of the fence was made by me and it was my cost, and the upper part of the fence should be made by my neighbours on their cost. We discussed this already, up-till-now there is no activity visible. Most probably I will need to behave assertively again, manage and pay it alone and give all receipts to the neighbour to payback... :-) luckily I have "normal" neighbours and it is not our "dear miss Janotová".
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