Avšak nebolo to tak.
Hneď počas prvej noci po sťahovaní som takmer dostala infarkt, keď som začula bublať odtok v modrej sprche. Čo bolo horšie, voda po krátkej sprche prestala odtekať, trvalo jej zhruba 4 hodiny, kým stiekla dole.
Tentokrát som už nemala nervy na to, aby som opäť zháňala krtkovačov. Tak dostal slovo pán Oltus - ako vždy pri slabej komunikácii je to s ním obtiažne - a keďže si navzájom čosi dlhujeme, komunikuje vždy veľmi neochotne, skôr nie ako áno.
Vodári boli šokovaní, nakoľko celá vodoinštalácia je v dome prerobená a snažili sa chybu zvaliť nie na záručné otázky, ale na výsledok práce ďalších vodárov, ktorí prerábali všetko vnútri. Nakoniec som ich však presvedčila, že majú namiesto búrania kúpeľní kopať vonku dieru a riešiť to mimo domu. Tak aj bolo.
V kanalizácii zostala ešte jedna vec, a to 1,5 litrová PET fľaška, ktorú v rúre niekto "zabudol". Teda so susedmi sme dvaja čo sme mali rovnaký problém.
Snáď je to všetko a k tejto téme sa už tak skoro vracať nebudem.
I thought - if once all tubes were moled and all rubbish was destroyed from inside, water would flow out without any problem...
But something was wrong.
Immediately the first night after moving in I almost got a heart attack when I heard the water bubbling in the blue shower. Of course, the water flow stopped after having a short shower and it took 4 hours to dissapear from the space.
Now I did not really have enough patience to find some molers again. So Mr. Oltus was asked - as usual, as far as our communication is not really troubleless, he prefers no communication rather than any communication.
Molers were shocked to see the water installations completely changed and, of course, tried to step out of any guarantee works with the argument that the reason for all my troubles is the re-installation of tubing inside. Finally I pushed them to do some constructive works outside instead of bathroom demolition.
There was one more thing left in the tubes - 1,5 litre size PET bottle, which was "forgotten" by someone there. The same problem as our neighbour had.
Hopefully this is the last time to solve anything related to our water tubes...