
Sunday, June 28, 2009

Krtkovanie - časť II. / Moling - part II.

Človek by si myslel, že keď sa už raz kanalizácia vykrtkovala a všetky stavebné odpady sa z rúr odstránili, voda bude odtekať v poriadku...
Avšak nebolo to tak.

Hneď počas prvej noci po sťahovaní som takmer dostala infarkt, keď som začula bublať odtok v modrej sprche. Čo bolo horšie, voda po krátkej sprche prestala odtekať, trvalo jej zhruba 4 hodiny, kým stiekla dole.
Tentokrát som už nemala nervy na to, aby som opäť zháňala krtkovačov. Tak dostal slovo pán Oltus - ako vždy pri slabej komunikácii je to s ním obtiažne - a keďže si navzájom čosi dlhujeme, komunikuje vždy veľmi neochotne, skôr nie ako áno.

Vodári boli šokovaní, nakoľko celá vodoinštalácia je v dome prerobená a snažili sa chybu zvaliť nie na záručné otázky, ale na výsledok práce ďalších vodárov, ktorí prerábali všetko vnútri. Nakoniec som ich však presvedčila, že majú namiesto búrania kúpeľní kopať vonku dieru a riešiť to mimo domu. Tak aj bolo.

V kanalizácii zostala ešte jedna vec, a to 1,5 litrová PET fľaška, ktorú v rúre niekto "zabudol". Teda so susedmi sme dvaja čo sme mali rovnaký problém.

Snáď je to všetko a k tejto téme sa už tak skoro vracať nebudem.


I thought - if once all tubes were moled and all rubbish was destroyed from inside, water would flow out without any problem...
But something was wrong.

Immediately the first night after moving in I almost got a heart attack when I heard the water bubbling in the blue shower. Of course, the water flow stopped after having a short shower and it took 4 hours to dissapear from the space.
Now I did not really have enough patience to find some molers again. So Mr. Oltus was asked - as usual, as far as our communication is not really troubleless, he prefers no communication rather than any communication.

Molers were shocked to see the water installations completely changed and, of course, tried to step out of any guarantee works with the argument that the reason for all my troubles is the re-installation of tubing inside. Finally I pushed them to do some constructive works outside instead of bathroom demolition.

There was one more thing left in the tubes - 1,5 litre size PET bottle, which was "forgotten" by someone there. The same problem as our neighbour had.

Hopefully this is the last time to solve anything related to our water tubes...

Sunday, June 21, 2009

21.6.2009 - Sťahovanie / Moving

Sťahovanie do domu prebehlo v rekordnom čase.
Byt sa prenajal a v priebehu víkendu sme zmanažovali transport a balenie všetkých vecí do Lipnice. Tento status quo pozná asi každý kto sa už aspoň raz sťahoval, čím viac sa človek sťahuje, tým viac vecí so sebou nosí, je to daný paradox. V našom prípade to bolo už niekoľkýkrát za uplynulých pár rokov a druhý krát v priebehu posledných 12 mesiacov. Na najbližších x mesiacov/rokov dúfam niečo podobné nebudem musieť opakovať...

Prvý letný deň tohto roka teda dopadol teplo, pracovne a ku spokojnosti všetkých zúčastnených - teda mňa, mamy a Rada. Vraj bol aj Deň otcov, to pre mňa v tejto chvíli príliš veľa neznamená... možno keď budem raz mať svoje vlastné deti a budú mať dobrého otecka, bude tento deň aj takto slávený.


Moving in the house was managed in a record time.
The flat was rented and we managed the packing and moving during one weekend. This status quo is well known to all people who moved at least once in their lives - and the fact that more and more you move, the more and more stuff you carry with you is a given paradox. In our case this was an x-times during the last few years, and the second time in last 12 months. For the next x months/years I hope this was the last one...

The first summer day this year was really sunny, full of work and all people who contributed were satisfied - me, mum and Rado.
They say today was also the Father´s Day - at this moment that´s not interesting for me as much... may be one day if I have my own children and they will have a good father, this day will be celebrated in our house as well.

Saturday, June 13, 2009

O lastovičkách / About Swallows

Pred dvoma týždňami sa objavili zvláštne úkazy pod strechou. Lastovičky si začali stavať hniezdo.
Prvá reakcia známych bola: to treba zlikvidovať za čerstva.
Moja prvá reakcia bola: akurát mi prinášajú šťastie do domu.
Môj konečný verdikt je: nezlikvidovať, iba vymyslieť obkakávátko, aby ich každoročný pobyt v našej prítomnosti v plnom zdraví prežila fasáda domu aj všetko čo by potenciálne utrpelo ujmy na zdraví. Obkakávátko zatiaľ nemám ale aktívne sa na tom pracuje...

Včera som postrehla, že v jednom z hniezd (dokopy budú tri, viac si neprosim a proti výstavbe ďalších zakročím radikálne) sa niečo deje. Buď tam sedia na vajíčkach, alebo už žije nová generácia, isté je, že lastovička aktívne prilieta a nosí mušky na papanie svojim príbuzným.
Teeeda, už sa postarali o to, aby sem každý rok prilietali deti ich detí. Bude to príjemné, skoro ako u dedka, keď prileteli, prišla jar a zmizlo veľa mušiek z dvora. Od marca do augusta bolo na dvore živo.

Z čias, kedy sa ešte viac tradovalo a ľudia žili viac v spojení s prírodou, sa na lastovičky pozerali širokospektrálnymi okuliarmi. Toto všetko sa o nich hovorí:
... že sú poslom jari...
... že sú symbolom lásky...
... že sú symbolom vernosti domovu...
... a že prinášajú do domu šťastie...
Nikde sa nehovorí o tom, že by to šťastie aj odnášali do teplých krajín, preto verím, že ho tu nechajú dostatok.
A ešte sa hovorí:
... že keď vysoko lietajú, bude vietor...
... a keď nízko lietajú, bude pršať...

Pozrime sa na to, čo prinesú k nám, v podstate jar, láska, domov, šťastie, vetrík aj dážď sú vítané elementy za každých okolností.


2 weeks ago I noticed strange activities under the roof. Swallows started to build their home there.
The first reaction of my visitors was: you need to destroy it, as soon as possible.
My first reaction was: at this moment they are bringing happiness to the house.
My last decision is: let them live here freely, just find out and install some "obkakavatko" to be sure that also the walls of the house and everything related will survive their stay here without any damages. I still don´t have this "obkakavatko", but we are working on it actively...

Yesterday I noticed that something interesting happens in one of their homes (together, I let them 3 nests, not more). 2 possible things could happen: one is - that they are sitting on their eggs already, and the other one is - that there are some babies already. But - the adult swallow is flying like a hell and bringing some food to its relatives continously, for sure.
Sooo, seems they did their best to guarantee the come-back (or fly-back) of their children and their children here in the future. This will be nice, almost the same as at my grand father. Swallows brought spring almost immediately and many flies dissapeared naturally. Since March till August the garden lived its active life.

In the past people took care about traditions more and were much more connected with the nature than now. Swallows were considered the ones, who were:
... bearers of spring...
... symbols of love...
... symbols of faithfulness to home...
... bringing good luck and happiness to home...
No one says they are taking this happiness also out of home in the autumn, so I believe they bring and leave enough of it here as well.
And they also say:
... if they fly high, wind is coming...
... and if they fly close to the earth, rain is coming...

Let´s look what do they bring to us. Spring, love, home, happiness, wind and rain are welcome at any moment in time.


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Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Vodička... / Water...

Po strááášne dlhom čase som sa dočkala vody v záhrade a garáži, ďakujem!


After soooo loooooong time I have got water in the garden and garage, thank you!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Zlikvidovaná burina / Killed Weeds

Pred pár týždňami sme sa v záhrade dopracovali do štádia, kedy fondo zlikvidovalo všetku burinu, tá nejavila žiadnu známku života a zistili sme, že tie škaredé zvyšky nedokážeme ani normálne pohrabať a vyhodiť.
Teda nastala fáza č. 2: fyzické úsilie prekopať aspoň pár cm povrchu tej udupanej pôdy, po ktorej predpokladám chodili nákladné autá, uskladňoval sa stavebný materiál a bohviečo ešte... a o čom p. Katona tvrdil, že to prekopal, ale opäť sme sa presvedčili - že aj v tejto veci klamal.
Teda pri sadení stromčekov a brečtanu to nebolo len tým že bola pokročilá jeseň...


Few weeks ago the garden reached the wished condition - all weeds were killed by fondo, but on the other hand we found out we could not collect the rubbish...
So the 2nd phase put it´s hands up: physical effort to refresh at least few cms of the soil, which turned into an almost concrete surface due to vans, storage of a building materials and so on... and - unfortunately this is another point where Mr. Katona lied to me.
I just understand that last year, when we placed the trees here, this soil was not so heavy due to late autumn...

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Dvere / The Doors

Do pivnice / To the cellar:

Do modrej kúpeľne / To the blue bathroom:

Do zltej izby / To the yellow room:

Do detskej izby / To the children room:

Do spálne / To the be:

A ostatné prídu potom... / The rest will come later...
napr. do oranžovej kúpeľne... / to the orange bathroom...