Susedova bíglica Jessica (celkom hlučná keď má dôvod ale v pohode) po našom nasťahovaní pred rokom dosť dlho žiarlila na Coru. Po nejakom tom mesiaci (či dvoch?) hlučné slovné hádky medzi Jessicou a Corou nalepenými na spoločnom plote prestali, zvykli si na seba a uzavreli prímerie.
Jessy občas dostane mňamku od nás spolu s Corou, a takisto dostanú aj obe od susedy a tak asi pochopili, že bojovať o teritórium nemusia. No a od tejto jari sused Lacko s ďalším kamošom ich občas spolu vyvenčí - takže pohoda.
Eliška - to kvázi nevinné plaché mača - už okolie domu vníma ako svoj domov, Cory sa už nebojí a jasne komunikuje (mňaučí a kecá rôznymi spôsobmi aby vyjadrila rôzne želania). Naďalej sa fláka s Bobom krížom-krážom, Bobo chodí teraz asi za mačkami, chodí domov celkom zničený, vyhladovaný, spievajúci a občas ho bolí zadná noha :-)
Posledné 2-3 dni začala Eliška cez plot chodiť k susedom - čo som úplne nepochopila lebo Jessica je:
1. pes,
2. celkom hlučný a nie úplne tolerantný pes,
3. kľudný pes k známym ale menej kľudný ku všetkému čo nepozná,
4. ešte stále celkom intenzívne chrániaci svoje teritórium.
Ja som spozorovala večer po práci len toľko, že Eli sedí blízko plota a pozerá sa do ich záhrady... Pani suseda mi dnes vravela, že ju minule našla spať za Jessicinou búdou v chládku a vôbec sa nenechala rušiť. Len Jessy intenzívne hučala aby sa domácim pochválila že má návštevníčku, ale nič jej nespravila.
Dnes Eliška v rámci svojej poobednej siesty zmizla z povrchu zemského, a po rozhovore so susedou sme zistili, že si v najväčšej pohode relaxuje v Jessicinej búde, pričom Jessy ležala dva metre od nej a vôbec ju to neiritovalo.
Noooo, akože toto som videla a počula prvý raz - lebo Jessy nie je náš domáci pes :-) a zrovna to nie je ani najmierumilovnejší pes :-) Nuž a suseda sa čuduje práve kvôli tomu ešte viac, nakoľko v starom dome vždy mala mačky a s Jessicou nemali problém, ale ani jedna sa neopovážila vliezť jej do búdy.
Eliška ma teda tento týždeň prekvapila už druhý raz - najprv pri love na krtka a teraz pri okupácii susedovej búdy.
Teda, zdá sa, že zverinec uzavrel absolútne prímerie :-)
Oltusovie family by si z toho mala zobrať príklad, vyriešiť to veľké (pre nich ponižujúce) ospravedlnenie a konečne sa potom konštruktívne baviť o všetkom, o čom sa so mnou vôbec nechcú :-)
Jessica, the neighbour´s beagle (quite noisy if she has a reason, but quiet in general) was really jalous on Cora after our moving last year. After a month (or two?) time the noisy arguing between Jessica and Cora finally stopped, they got used to themselves and a peacefull co-living started.
Jessy gets some yummy stuff from us, they share it with Cora all the time, and same from our neighbour, so, seems both girls understood that any territory fights are useless. Since this spring they go for a walk together time-to-time when Lacko (neighbour´s son) takes them with his friend.
Eliška - this quite innocent and shy kitten - came to the point when our house, garden and surroundings are her "home", she has no fear of Cora and clearly communicates all her wishes (by different noises she can make). She is still going out with Bobou (other neighbour´s tomcat), eventhough Bobo is currently interested by ladies - he comes home very destroyed, sick and tired, hungry, singing and sometimes with a hurtfull leg :-)
Last 2-3 days Eliška started to visit Jessica´s garden - I did not really understood why because Jessica is:
1. a dog,
2. a quite noisy and not really tolerant dog,
3. nice dog to loved ones but not nice to strangers,
4. still quite fixed to his territory which she intensively protects.
After work I could notice only the fact that Eli is sitting close to the fence and intensively hypnotizes their garden... Neighbour told she found her sleeping in the shadow behind Jessica´s dog-house and she did not let herself disturbed by anything or anyone. Only Jessy barked a lot to show her to the family, but did not touch her.
This afternoon Eliška dissapeared for her afternoon nap and after a short talk to the neighbour we found her sleeping in Jessy´s house, Jessy was sleeping 2 meters far and was absolutely ok with this.
Sooo, I saw and heard it for the first time - because Jessy is really not my dog :-) and furthermore she is not a typical friendly dog :-) Neighbour was even more surprised by this, she always had cats which were friends with Jessy, but absolutely respected her dog-house.
In summary, Eliška surprised me for the second tie this week - first by her hunt on a mole and now by the occupation of neighbour´s house.
Seems, our zoo signed the absolute peace treaty :-)
The Oltus family could teoretically be inspired by them, solve that big (degrading) appology to me and after that start to speak constructively about everything they currently don´t want :-)