Našli sme obrovské množstvo znehodnoteného materiálu - a taktiež takého, ktorý by ešte dodávatelia v priebehu jesene 2008 možno vzali späť, avšak teraz je to už problém... a tak sa pokúšam aspoň čo-to predať cez internet.
Mám rada poriadok, to o mne vie každý kto ma trocha pozná... a tak, spolu s mamou, sme dosiahli, že máme veci už konečne pod kontrolou. Zatiaľ nie je uprataná garáž - ale tam je to viacmenej v poriadku... Stálo nás to veľa času, energie, prevlačovania nielen materiálu ale aj odpadu, a bolesti chrbta...
Stále sa tu nachádza kôpka, ktorá patrí pánovi Katonovi - jeho náradie a veci, ktoré si sem priniesol a pri odchode 2. januára 2009 sa mu nezmestili do auta. Táto kopa ma irituje a neustále oživuje všetko čo sa stalo - a všetko čo sa deje teraz...
Teda takto to vyzerá dnes. Už sa na to aspoň dá pozrieť a človeku je z toho menej zúfalo ako pred mesiacom...
The living-room is still functional as a "temporary storage place" of all materials which has to be placed on their places. Quite a lot of stuff dissapeared - mostly a really huuuuuuuge amount of the building waste which Mr. Katona left here, and in the second round the painters, tilers, kitchen-completers, electrician...
We found a huge amount of useless material - and also the opposite - the material which could have been given back to the suppliers in the Autumn 2008 but now it is too late... so I try to sell it via internet.
I like to have things in order, everyone knows it (who knows me at least a little bit)... so, together with mum we did our best to have things here under control. At this moment only garage is not cleaned, but that is all right, I know what is placed there... It took us a lot of time, energy, carrying and transfering the material and huge amount of waste, and hurtfull backs...
There is still also a pile of Katona´s belongings - mostly his instruments and some material which he could not put in his car on January 2, 2009. This pile irritates me a lot, and, it always revives everything happend - and what is happening now...
So - this is how it looks like today. You can have a look at that without feeling as hopeless as one month before...
Vchodové dvere a voľný priechod / Entrance door and free corridor:
Materiál do malej kúpeľne / Material to the small bathroom:
Veci do kuchyne, kúpeľne, farby a Katonova kopa / Stuff to the kitchen, bathroom, painting, and the Katona pile:
Sedačky, chladničky, rúra, zrkadlá do kúpeľne / Sofas, fridges, oven, mirrors to the bathroom:
Pivnica s vecami do kúpeľne / The mini-cellar with the bathroom stuff:
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