Ako je vidno na obrázkoch z 29.12.2008, práce spojené s elektroinštaláciou sa taktiež nachádzali v žalostnom stave... Ako všetko ostatné, aj do tejto veci pán Katona rypol ale nedokončil.
Keby nás netlačil termín dodávky kuchyne (ktorým bol 22. január 2009 - mimochodom deň mojich narodenín), nehýbali by sme v dome asi ničím do času, kým by sme nevymámili od Katonu peniaze, ktoré mi dodnes dlhuje. Kuchyňa však bola objednaná, a nebolo cesty späť.
A ruka v ruke s tým - elektrika - bez elektriky to nejde... takže kvôli tomu je elektrika dokončená v dome zhruba na 95% - ostáva už len prerábka v hornej kúpeľni a dotiahnutie do garáže. To počká, inú možnosť nemáme.
As you could see on the pictures taken at the end of December, works connected with the electricity instalation were also left at awfull stage... Like everything else, also this was finished somewhere in the middle of the process.
If we would not be pushed by the delivery term of the kitchen (which was January 22, 2009 - btw my birthday), we would not do anything in the house until the moment of receiving my money back from Katona (he owes it to me up-till-now). But the kitchen was ordered and there was no way back.
Hand-in-hand with this the urgent completion of the electricity at least in the kitchen was needed. Because of this, it was efficient to make the electricity in those rooms which could teoretically be inhabited - so at this moment approx. 95% of the whole cabeling/completing is done. Only the bathroom and connection with garage is left. This has to wait, we have no other chance.
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