Vrelá vďaka pánu Benkovi, veľa nám pomohol - nielen čo sa týka podlahy, ale aj iných vecí - hlavne myší... a upchávania dier v strope, ktoré zostali po Katonovom odchode - a cez ktoré myši vandrovali krížom krážom...
Material for the floor has been bought quite long time ago - it was ordered in August 2008 (due to the fact that floor was planned to be installed in the course of September). And it was placed in the house in November (as far as I received the information about the quick instalation...), but, finally as Mr. Katona didn´t do anything at all with it, finally Mr. Benka installed it in January 2009.
Many thanks to Mr. Benka for his help - not only with the floor, also with other things - mostly mouses... and filling the holes in the ceiling (left after Katona) - which were the best corridors for these stupid grey animals to come down and explore the house...
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