Dolnú kúpeľňu Marek s Martinom krásne vydláždili a cieľom bolo nainštalovať keramiku, batérie a odpadový systém na svoje miesto. Nebolo to najjednoduchšie, nakoľko sa zistilo, že k batérii je len polsifón a geberit je namontovaný trocha nakrivo (bohužiaľ už od kúpy domu, nakoľko dom sa kupoval s namontovaným funkčným dolným záchodom... a ten už aj bol nakrivo). Ono sa to objavilo hlavne pri inštalácii novej záchodovej misy, ktorá je úplne iného typu a každú nerovnosť hneď vidno...
Asi najväčší šok spôsobila skrinka pod umývadlo. Mala byť biela, ale nejakým zázrakom sme po vybalení zistili, že má ďaleko od bielej... Skúsime to vyreklamovať, nakoľko chyba sa stala bohviekde - v každom prípade, ja som všetok kúpeľňový nábytok objednávala biely, takže na mojej strane isto nie... S hnedou skrinkou to celé vyzerá dosť rušivo.
Pekné sú aj batérie, stále sa mi páčia a hlavne - voda z nich napriek miernej obave tečie krásne. Možno aj lepšie ako zo štandardných batérií.
Asi najšpinavšia robota bola v hornej kúpeľni, kde bolo treba nanovo spraviť celú vodoinštaláciu, keďže pán Katona nechal absolútne nedorobenú a nefunkčnú dokonca aj v častiach, kde ju mohol kľudne dokončiť (t.j. pri vani a sprchovom kúte). Premiestnil sa záchod, osadil sa geberit a pripravila sa inštalácia do stavu, aby sa tu mohli steny začistiť a následne dláždiť... takže jedného dňa, keď sa bude dokončovať horná kúpeľňa, bude o veľký kus práce menej.
Inak som s výsledkom dnešného dňa spokojná - a myslím, že to poteší aj Mareka s Martinom, nakoľko malá kúpeľňa sa už celkom podobá na kúpeľňu. Čo ma mrzí, že vodári nevybetonovali spodok sprchového kúta, takže tu ešte bude trocha dosť práce nabudúce.
Today was again a quite tiring day, but nice and sunny. Regarding to the house, we planned to arrange all water related works, which was quite time consuming and slightly complicated, as far as no one knew how the water stuff has been installed under Mr. Katona´s time period.
The small bathroom downstairs has been beautifully tiled by Marek and Martin in the course of last week. The goal was to install all ceramics, water taps and drain system in the small bathroom. It was not the simplest thing because of some missing material and geberit which has been installed slightly awry (unfortunately I bought the house with the functional toilet downstairs - and this was slightly awry already...) This was not as disturbing until the bathroom was not ready, but with this new type of toilet it was clearly visible...
My second biggest shock today was caused by the small cupboard under the sink. It should be white, but something happend and it was not white... I try to claim it at the supplier, because this mistake is not caused by me - all bathroom furniture was ordered in white colour. It is very disturbing with a brown cupboard.
I like also these water taps - I was a little bit afraid of their functionality before, but the water flows perfectly. May be even better than from the standard taps.
I think the dirtiest part of today´s work was in the bathroom upstairs, where the water tubing needed to be completely re-installed. Mr. Katona left it absolutely unfunctional even in those parts which did not need to be moved on other place (at the bath and the shower). Also the toilet has been moved, geberit has been installed and the whole water system upstairs is prepared for further use after tiling.... so one day in the future we can enjoy a functional bathroom also here.
I am satisfied with the result of today´s progress - and - I think it will make happy also Marek and Martin, because of the small bathroom looks like a bathroom already. What I am sorry for, is the fact that the floor of the shower is not filled, so this is still not prepared for guys to finish tiling.
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