Trebalo teda vybúrať stenu a postaviť nové - a tak som si to navrhla podľa svojich predstáv. Teraz bude priestor účelne využiteľný - aj v kuchyni aj v predsieni.
Kuchyňa je viacmenej takmer hotová. Ostáva dokončiť pár vecí (špáry, namontovať digestor a rúru, opravu podlahy). Páči sa mi, napriek tomu, že sme si kvôli nej dosť vytrpeli... Raz sa tu bude produkovať veľa dobrôt :-) a vlastne - ono je to možné už aj teraz.
Raz sem ešte pribudne jedálenský stôl a - možno to bude taká klasická kuchyňa typickej slovenskej rodiny - miesto, kde sa odohráva väčšina dôležitých príjemných (a občas aj nepríjemných) aktivít... Je dosť veľká na to, aby sa tu varilo, stolovalo, príjemne posedelo, aby sa tu učili deti, a zmestí sa aj havo...
Pity that the original space for the kitchen was completely useless - the architect did a poor job here (also in the case of bathrooms). Extremely thin space, which disables you to move or cook, and there was no space for anything.
So I decided to destroy the wall and build new ones, by my ideas. I think at this moment the space can be used efficiently - both in the kitchen and the corridor.
The kitchen is almost finished. There are only few things left to instal. I like it, eventhough we suffer a lot because of it... But one day, many mnamki mnams will be prepared here :-) honestly - it is possible even at this moment.
One day a table with chairs will be placed here, too - and may be in the future it will be a typical slovak kitchen - a place where most of the very important activities will take place, both nice and less nice... There is enough space to cook, enjoy the meal, enjoy the time together, learning place for children, and still enough space left for a doggy...
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