Takmer neuveriteľné - včera bol nádherný jarný deň, až sme na večer vymysleli, že sa prejdeme s Corkou do mesta medzi ľudí, nech si opäť zvyká na slušné správanie na ulici (okrem teda známeho prostredia okolo domu, susedov, rodiny, priateľov...). Bolo 14 stupňov, slniečko svietilo až do večera a bola to taká naozajstná jar.
Dnes sa o tom nedalo ani hovoriť. Od rána zamračené, snehové oblaky - akurát nesnežilo ale pršalo, fúkal vietor, miestami sa až vylamovali stromy... no, nič príjemné. Vzhľadom na počasie som bola od rána rada, že sa na celý deň zašijeme do domu a budeme sa venovať
komodám... Možno opäť trocha nelogický nápad pre niekoho, kto nepozná súvislosti :-) avšak snažím sa v týchto dňoch - pokiaľ zdravie a okolnosti dovolia, dorábať kopec vecí, aby som zmiernila svoje stavy zúfalstva a nechuti do života, keď vstupujem do domu, v ktorom sme už dávno mali bývať a snívať svoje sny.
Vzhľadom na to, že kuchyňa je už takmer hotová (a hlavne - vyzerá ako kuchyňa), stavebné smeti a odpad priebežne upratujem (až mi z toho platničky hrkajú), v izbách sú už pekné podlahy, elektrika je už takmer hotová všetky zástrčky fungujú, moje pocity sa zlepšujú. Síce pociťujeme aj druhú stranu mince, nakoľko pán Katona zrejme stále kľudne spáva napriek svojim obrovským dlhom voči mne, máme však aspoň dobrý pocit z dobre vykonanej práce.
Dnes sme s mamou zložili 3 veľké a 2 malé komody (teda tie malé budú mať ešte nedefinovanú úlohu...). Šlo nám to šikovne :-) veď Ikea zas občas náhodou vie nakresliť aj trocha zrozumiteľnejšie návody na použitie. Vďakabohu nie je vždy až taká brutálna ako pri mojich obývačkových kusoch nábytku (kresby v inštrukciách boli tak na samovraždu).... Už len keby to všetko nebolo také ťažké čo sa váhy týka -
Ikea packaging & logistics myslí skoro na všetko ale na vzpieračské schopnosti žien asi najmenej :-))))Takže z čoho máme dnes dobrý pocit? No predsa z dobre vykonanej práce a užitočne využitej depresívne ladenej nedele :-)
Almost unbelievable - yesterday we had a sooooo wonderful spring day, that we decided to go for a nice long walk with Cora to the town to refresh her memories regarding to the polite behaviour on the street, between people (except those ones around the house, neighbours, family, friends...). There were 14 degrees, the sun was shining till the evening, and it was almost like real spring-time would come.
Today it was completely forgotten. Cloudy since morning, snow clouds - with only difference - it didn´t snow but rained, combined with wind, at some places it was as strong as trees were broken... so, nothing pleasant. Taking into account the weather I was happy since morning to get lost in the house due to completion of the dressers (we call it
"komoda"). May be another un-logical activity for someone who does not know the context :-) but these days, until my health and circumstances are acceptable, I do my best to do a lot of things in the house to reduce my hopelessness and life-distaste feelings, which appear almost immediately when I enter the house which would have been finished already - and where we would have dream our dreams quietly.
As far as the kitchen is almost ready to use (and it looks like a kitchen already), the building scrap and waste are continously cleaned (by me, of course, workers are soooo lazy...), there are nice floors installed in the rooms, electricity is almost finished and all connectors are working already, my feelings are getting better. Unfortunately we still feel very intensively also the cons of our situation (as far as Mr. Katona still sleeps very well in spite of his huge financial debts towards me), we have a good feeling at least of the work well-done since he was fired.
Today we comleted 3 large and 2 small dressers/"komodas" - the small ones still don´t have the exactly defined roles... It was quite handy :-) Ikea accidentally can draw also a little bit more understandable user guides... Thanksgod in this case it was easy, not as cruel as in the case of my living-room furniture.... that job was really enough to commit a suicide due to the completely stupid drawings in the instructions... One black point for Ikea: everything is too heavy for women -
Ikea packaging & logistics doesn´t really respect women´s weightlifting skills :-))))So - what is the reason of having a good feeling today? Surely the well-done work and efficiently used depressive Sunday :-)