
Monday, April 27, 2009

Hrozno / Grapes

Trocha mi je ľúto, že ostatné dva korienky asi vymrzli, ale - nie sú každý deň Vianoce, a úspešnosť záhradkárskych aktívít neskorej jesene je výborná, takže nie je to nijaká katastrofa. Vysadíme znova na jeseň.


I am a bit sorry for the fact that the rest of grapes did not survive this winter - buuuuut, every day cannot be a Christmas day. Overall, our autumn gardening activities were successfull, so this is not a catastrophe. We try again this autumn.

Slivka / Plumb

Marhule / Appricots

Hruška / Pear

Višne / Sour Cherry trees

Maliny / Raspberries

Egreše / Gooseberries

Tieto nepichajú.
These ones don´t hurt you.

Ríbezle / Currants

Rada by som sa dožila toho, že tieto zelené bobuľky budú toto leto zrelé...
I would really like to be there at the moment when these currants will be perfect to eat this summer...

Ovocie odkvitlo / Blossom is gone

Prešlo len pár dní a stromčeky výrazne zmenili svoj vzhľad - odkvitli a bujne ozeleneli. Tento víkend bol úplne vhodné na záhradné aktivity a podarilo sa mi skultúrniť im prostredie, upraviť ich vetvičky do tvarov v akých by mali v budúcnosti rásť, a zabezpečiť, aby ich korenie mohli dýchať a piť...

Niekedy nabudúce sa vrhnem na zeleň okolo - momentálne to z diaľky vyzerá ako pekný čerstvý zelený trávnik, pravda je však iná - je to nový druh buriny (iný ako na jeseň), ktorý začal po dlhej zime rašiť. Takže nabuduce: postrekovanie buriny, výroba chodníka, zamurovanie šachty, zapojenie vody, a keď zmizne suchá burina a bude už fungovať voda, zasejeme trávnik :-)


Just few days later and all small trees considerably changed their look - little cute flowers are gone and they got green. Last weekend was perfect for gardening and I succesfully cleaned a little bit their environment, form their branches for the future growth, and make their roots easily breathe and drink...

Next time I start with the green around - currently it seems to be a nice fresh green grass from outside, but the opposite is true - it is a different type of weeds (different than in October), which got enough water and now is happy to grow intensively. So next time: killing weeds, making the path, fixing the place for the water for the pump, making the water tubing for the garden, and when the weess is gone - putting the grass :-)

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Prvé koláčiky / First cakes

Malý test domovej rúry. Chutný. Chutil mne, Marekovi, vodárovi, Corke a Tiborovi Bártfayovi (a ako pravý umelec - neodpustil si zhodnotenie estetickej stránky veci, ktorá ho extrémne zaujala... a má rád všetko čo sa robí ručne a s láskou).

Stará dobrá rada našich babičiek: Ako spravíš muža šťastným? No predsa jedlom - zapchaj mu ústa, naplň žalúdok a aj keby sa odvážil niečo povedať, trikrát si to rozmyslí pretože plný žalúdok je podstata jeho bytia.

Chlopi - dobrú chuť teda.
Corka je všežrút, jedlo sa nachádza na prvej pozícii jej súkromného psieho rebríčka priorít.


A small test of the house electic oven. Tasty. More people liked it including myself - Marek, water-man, Cora and Tibor Bártfay (and, as far as he is a real art-fan, he needed to comment the estetic look which he liked a lot... but he likes everything handmade with love).

Good advise of our grand mums: How could you make a man happy? Food is the secret - fill his mouth, fill up his stomach and even if he would try to comment anything he will finally fed up, because of full stomach is the basic priority of his life.

Men - bon apetit.
Corka is an "everything-eater", food is on the first and most important position of her private doggy priority list.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Horná kúpeľňa v procese / Bathroom upstairs in the process...

Zatiaľ bez komentára. Snáď hlavne poďakovanie mame a Marekovi.


No comment at this moment. Only big thanks to mum and Marek.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Ovocie kvitne / Fruits in Blossom

Jedna z vecí, ktoré ma v posledných týždňoch potešili, sú stromčeky v záhrade. Boli celkom starostlivo vyberané, prežili ignoráciu Alexandra Katonu, až sa dostali do zeme až neskoro na jeseň - a hlavne - prežili zimu, ktorá nebola dvakrát pozitívne ladená... ani čo sa týka udalostí v dome, ani čo sa týka počasia až do neskorých marcových dní.

Zdá sa, že slivky, hrušky, marhule, višne, egreše, ríbezle, aj hrozno sa v tejto záhrade ujali s snáď sa dožijeme aj ovocia (tento rok asi nie, ale raz...)


One of the things that make me happy last weeks, are the small trees in the garden. They were carefully chosen, they survived the ignoration of Alexander Katona, after that found their places in the ground in late autumn - and which is very important - they survived this winter, which was not really positive... both in the happenings in the house and weather till last days of March.

It seems, our plumbs, pears, apricots, cherries, gooseberries, black/red currants and grapes found this ground perfect for their new home for the next couple of years and one day they offer us fresh fruits as well.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Krtkovanie / Moling

Bohužiaľ aj toto patrilo k spojazdneniu kanalizácie v dome - stavbári ešte pod vedením pána Oltusa zrejme neoplývali pocitom zodpovednosti a dobre vykonanej práce. Pochopiteľne, nepracovali na svojom. Škoda že pán Oltus to tiež zobral športovo.
Rúry boli upchaté obrovským množstvom betónu, malty, polystyrénu a cementu.
Akosi mi k tomu nestačí odpoveď: "No, tak stalo sa, asi to tak bude."...


Unfortunately this activity was needed to make my house in operational condition, as well - the workers under Mr. Oltus´s management did not really feel any responsibility to the work done. Understandable - they did not work on their own house. It´s just a pity that also Mr. Oltus took it really inpersonally.
Tubes were blocked by a huge amount of concrete, mortar, styrofoam and cement.
I don´t know - the response "So, it happend, most probably that happened." is not enough to me...

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Pošta / Post

Tak tá bude mať miesto práve tu... pokiaľ sa nebude zbierať v priečinku na Sibírskej ako doteraz.


The post should be potentially placed here... if not in my post box on Sibirska as it is at this moment.

Monday, April 13, 2009

Dom zvonka / House From Outside

A takto vyzeráme zvonka...


And this is how we look like now...

Sunday, April 5, 2009

My bike

Veľký pomocník - hlavne rýchlo, lacno, pohodlne a kedykoľvek... Potrebujeme akurát zohnať košík na nosič kovovej farby, nech sa dá napratať aj nákupom. Doteraz odpočíval a teraz sa využije.


Big help - and which is the most beneficial on this - it is fast, cheap, comfy and flexible... I need to find only a bag of a "steel" colour to have a space for shopping. Up till now it relaxed at my parents, now it is usefull.