
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Zlaté ruky dobrej duše... / Golden Hands of a Beautifull Mind...

Dnešný svet je neprirodzene a zbytočne rýchly, márnivý, ničivý a v drvivej väčšine prípadov generuje viac negatívnych dopadov na človeka a jeho život či okolitý svet, ako pozitívnych.
Napriek tomu však existuje pár ľudí, ktorí sa snažia systémové veci využívať šetrne a nevymizli z ich života ešte hodnoty, ktoré boli a sú základom ľudskej existencie. Je to možno zjednodušene povedané (alebo zložito?), ale podstatné je, že aj Marek patrí medzi nich - a je to snáď neuveriteľné šťastie, že sa ocitol aj v našej blízkosti.
Som veľmi vďačná za pomoc, ktorej výsledok je výrazne pozitívne viditeľný v nehmotnej aj hmotnej podobe - a vďaka ktorej sa nám podarí posunúť sa bližšie k riešeniam súčasnej situácie, ktorá nie je ľahká.

Vrelá vďaka za všetko!
Ten kus srdiečka a citu, ktorý vložil do všetkého, čoho sa dotkol, nás bude dúfam dlho sprevádzať časom, ktorý v našom novom domove strávime, a kde ho radi kedykoľvek uvidíme.


World today is unnaturally and uselessly fast, vain, damaging, and in most cases it generates more negative impacts on human beings and its life or world around, than pozitive ones.
In spite of this there are still few people who try to use all system things efficiently, and real values of the human existence are still on the major places of their hearts and minds. This is may be easily said (or complicated?), but the important thing is, that Marek belongs to this group of people as well - and the fact that he appeared in our nearness is an unbelievable piece of luck.
It is even hard to express my thanks for the help, whiches results is noticeably positively visible in both material and non-material form - and thanksgod which we will be able to move forward to the quick and actual solutions of our current bad situation.

Many thanks for everything!
That piece of heart and sense, which he put in everything he touched, will follow our days as long as we stay in our new home... and we are looking forward to see him anytime.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Vodari / Water"men"

Dnes bol opäť náročný deň, avšak pekný a slnečný. Čo sa domu týka, na pláne boli vodoinštalačné práce, ktorých bolo pomerne dosť, vlastne viac ako sa predpokladalo, nakoľko nikto netušil kadiaľ presne boli vedené rúrky pod vedením pána Katonu.

Dolnú kúpeľňu Marek s Martinom krásne vydláždili a cieľom bolo nainštalovať keramiku, batérie a odpadový systém na svoje miesto. Nebolo to najjednoduchšie, nakoľko sa zistilo, že k batérii je len polsifón a geberit je namontovaný trocha nakrivo (bohužiaľ už od kúpy domu, nakoľko dom sa kupoval s namontovaným funkčným dolným záchodom... a ten už aj bol nakrivo). Ono sa to objavilo hlavne pri inštalácii novej záchodovej misy, ktorá je úplne iného typu a každú nerovnosť hneď vidno...

Asi najväčší šok spôsobila skrinka pod umývadlo. Mala byť biela, ale nejakým zázrakom sme po vybalení zistili, že má ďaleko od bielej... Skúsime to vyreklamovať, nakoľko chyba sa stala bohviekde - v každom prípade, ja som všetok kúpeľňový nábytok objednávala biely, takže na mojej strane isto nie... S hnedou skrinkou to celé vyzerá dosť rušivo.

Pekné sú aj batérie, stále sa mi páčia a hlavne - voda z nich napriek miernej obave tečie krásne. Možno aj lepšie ako zo štandardných batérií.

Asi najšpinavšia robota bola v hornej kúpeľni, kde bolo treba nanovo spraviť celú vodoinštaláciu, keďže pán Katona nechal absolútne nedorobenú a nefunkčnú dokonca aj v častiach, kde ju mohol kľudne dokončiť (t.j. pri vani a sprchovom kúte). Premiestnil sa záchod, osadil sa geberit a pripravila sa inštalácia do stavu, aby sa tu mohli steny začistiť a následne dláždiť... takže jedného dňa, keď sa bude dokončovať horná kúpeľňa, bude o veľký kus práce menej.

Inak som s výsledkom dnešného dňa spokojná - a myslím, že to poteší aj Mareka s Martinom, nakoľko malá kúpeľňa sa už celkom podobá na kúpeľňu. Čo ma mrzí, že vodári nevybetonovali spodok sprchového kúta, takže tu ešte bude trocha dosť práce nabudúce.


Today was again a quite tiring day, but nice and sunny. Regarding to the house, we planned to arrange all water related works, which was quite time consuming and slightly complicated, as far as no one knew how the water stuff has been installed under Mr. Katona´s time period.

The small bathroom downstairs has been beautifully tiled by Marek and Martin in the course of last week. The goal was to install all ceramics, water taps and drain system in the small bathroom. It was not the simplest thing because of some missing material and geberit which has been installed slightly awry (unfortunately I bought the house with the functional toilet downstairs - and this was slightly awry already...) This was not as disturbing until the bathroom was not ready, but with this new type of toilet it was clearly visible...

My second biggest shock today was caused by the small cupboard under the sink. It should be white, but something happend and it was not white... I try to claim it at the supplier, because this mistake is not caused by me - all bathroom furniture was ordered in white colour. It is very disturbing with a brown cupboard.

I like also these water taps - I was a little bit afraid of their functionality before, but the water flows perfectly. May be even better than from the standard taps.

I think the dirtiest part of today´s work was in the bathroom upstairs, where the water tubing needed to be completely re-installed. Mr. Katona left it absolutely unfunctional even in those parts which did not need to be moved on other place (at the bath and the shower). Also the toilet has been moved, geberit has been installed and the whole water system upstairs is prepared for further use after tiling.... so one day in the future we can enjoy a functional bathroom also here.

I am satisfied with the result of today´s progress - and - I think it will make happy also Marek and Martin, because of the small bathroom looks like a bathroom already. What I am sorry for, is the fact that the floor of the shower is not filled, so this is still not prepared for guys to finish tiling.

Saturday, February 14, 2009

Do spálne pribudla posteľ... / New bed appeared in the bedroom...

Dnes sme si s mamou naplánovali zlikvidovať ďalšiu kopu zo skladiska v obývačke. Viacmenej z troch dôvodov: vymytie mozgu, zlepšenie nálady a uvoľnenie ďalšieho priestoru v spodnej časti domu. "Pat a Mat" v tuzemskom prevedení "ja a mama" je už technicky celkom zdatná dvojica čo sa týka montovania nábytku :-)))

Nebolo to až také jednoduché, ako sme si pôvodne mysleli, nakoľko náradie z Ikei sme zabudli doma... ale keď sme rozobrali všetky súčiastky, došli sme na to, že by nám boli aj tak zbytočné... Pomohli šrobováčiky od pani susedky - vrelá vďaka!

Montáž postele trvala zopár hodín, nakoľko to chcelo opäť mužskú silu a vytrvalého ducha. Aspoň ten duch tu bol :-))) Náročnosťou to zodpovedalo takmer tomu istému, ako obývačkový nábytok čo sme montovali celý víkend do bytu. Ale podarilo sa :-) jedného dňa sa tu hádam budú snívať sladké sníčky sprevádzajúce náš pokojný spánok... keď všetky katastrofy pominú.

(... a ostáva veriť, že posteľ nejaký ten čas vydrží v prevádzkyschopnom stave, zatiaľ to vyzerá veľmi pozitívne - ďakujem Andi, aj za možnosť vyskúšania v lete)


The plan for today was to let disappear another pile from our storage place in the living-room. We had mostly 3 reasons to do so: brainwash, lighten up our mood, and cleaning another free space in the house to make it less depressive. "Pat and Mat" in our version of " me and mama" is a technically quite experienced duo, at least concerning to completion of furniture :-)))

It was not as easy as we expected, we forgot also our Ikea tools at home... but after checking all components we found out Ikea tools would be completely useless... Something else helped us a lot - screwdrivers from neighbours - thanks a lot!

Completion of the bed took us few hours, because of the need of men´s power and persistent spirit :-) At least the spirit was on the place :-))) It was not complicated, just required really strong hands, so it was almost the same "level" as my furniture in the flat living-room, which took us a whole weekend to complete. But it is successfully done :-) one day hopefully nice and sweet dreams will guard our quiet sleep here... one day when all catastrophes are gone.

(... and still the last thing to believe in - hopefully the bed will stay functional for some time in a good condition, at this moment it seems to be very positive - thanks Andi for the possibility to have a try last summer)

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Obývačka dnes / The Living-room today

Obývačka je naďalej dočasným skladiskom všetkého materiálu, ktorý sa v dome musí umiestniť na svoje miesto. Dosť vecí však ubudlo - predovšetkým to obrovské množstvo stavebného neporiadku, ktoré tu zanechal pán Katona a neskôr v druhom kole maliari, obkladači, montéri kuchyne, elektrikár...

Našli sme obrovské množstvo znehodnoteného materiálu - a taktiež takého, ktorý by ešte dodávatelia v priebehu jesene 2008 možno vzali späť, avšak teraz je to už problém... a tak sa pokúšam aspoň čo-to predať cez internet.

Mám rada poriadok, to o mne vie každý kto ma trocha pozná... a tak, spolu s mamou, sme dosiahli, že máme veci už konečne pod kontrolou. Zatiaľ nie je uprataná garáž - ale tam je to viacmenej v poriadku... Stálo nás to veľa času, energie, prevlačovania nielen materiálu ale aj odpadu, a bolesti chrbta...

Stále sa tu nachádza kôpka, ktorá patrí pánovi Katonovi - jeho náradie a veci, ktoré si sem priniesol a pri odchode 2. januára 2009 sa mu nezmestili do auta. Táto kopa ma irituje a neustále oživuje všetko čo sa stalo - a všetko čo sa deje teraz...

Teda takto to vyzerá dnes. Už sa na to aspoň dá pozrieť a človeku je z toho menej zúfalo ako pred mesiacom...


The living-room is still functional as a "temporary storage place" of all materials which has to be placed on their places. Quite a lot of stuff dissapeared - mostly a really huuuuuuuge amount of the building waste which Mr. Katona left here, and in the second round the painters, tilers, kitchen-completers, electrician...

We found a huge amount of useless material - and also the opposite - the material which could have been given back to the suppliers in the Autumn 2008 but now it is too late... so I try to sell it via internet.

I like to have things in order, everyone knows it (who knows me at least a little bit)... so, together with mum we did our best to have things here under control. At this moment only garage is not cleaned, but that is all right, I know what is placed there... It took us a lot of time, energy, carrying and transfering the material and huge amount of waste, and hurtfull backs...

There is still also a pile of Katona´s belongings - mostly his instruments and some material which he could not put in his car on January 2, 2009. This pile irritates me a lot, and, it always revives everything happend - and what is happening now...

So - this is how it looks like today. You can have a look at that without feeling as hopeless as one month before...

Vchodové dvere a voľný priechod / Entrance door and free corridor:

Materiál do malej kúpeľne / Material to the small bathroom:

Veci do kuchyne, kúpeľne, farby a Katonova kopa / Stuff to the kitchen, bathroom, painting, and the Katona pile:

Sedačky, chladničky, rúra, zrkadlá do kúpeľne / Sofas, fridges, oven, mirrors to the bathroom:

Pivnica s vecami do kúpeľne / The mini-cellar with the bathroom stuff:

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Kuchyňa / The Kitchen

Škoda, že priestor určený pre kuchyňu bol architektom navrhnutý tak nepoužiteľne ako to bolo... (rovnako nanič navrhol aj kúpeľne). Úzky slíž, v rámci ktorého sa podľa mňa nedalo moc hýbať ani nič podobné.
Trebalo teda vybúrať stenu a postaviť nové - a tak som si to navrhla podľa svojich predstáv. Teraz bude priestor účelne využiteľný - aj v kuchyni aj v predsieni.

Kuchyňa je viacmenej takmer hotová. Ostáva dokončiť pár vecí (špáry, namontovať digestor a rúru, opravu podlahy). Páči sa mi, napriek tomu, že sme si kvôli nej dosť vytrpeli... Raz sa tu bude produkovať veľa dobrôt :-) a vlastne - ono je to možné už aj teraz.
Raz sem ešte pribudne jedálenský stôl a - možno to bude taká klasická kuchyňa typickej slovenskej rodiny - miesto, kde sa odohráva väčšina dôležitých príjemných (a občas aj nepríjemných) aktivít... Je dosť veľká na to, aby sa tu varilo, stolovalo, príjemne posedelo, aby sa tu učili deti, a zmestí sa aj havo...


Pity that the original space for the kitchen was completely useless - the architect did a poor job here (also in the case of bathrooms). Extremely thin space, which disables you to move or cook, and there was no space for anything.
So I decided to destroy the wall and build new ones, by my ideas. I think at this moment the space can be used efficiently - both in the kitchen and the corridor.

The kitchen is almost finished. There are only few things left to instal. I like it, eventhough we suffer a lot because of it... But one day, many mnamki mnams will be prepared here :-) honestly - it is possible even at this moment.
One day a table with chairs will be placed here, too - and may be in the future it will be a typical slovak kitchen - a place where most of the very important activities will take place, both nice and less nice... There is enough space to cook, enjoy the meal, enjoy the time together, learning place for children, and still enough space left for a doggy...

Monday, February 9, 2009

Urgentne: elektrika / Urgent: electricity

Ako je vidno na obrázkoch z 29.12.2008, práce spojené s elektroinštaláciou sa taktiež nachádzali v žalostnom stave... Ako všetko ostatné, aj do tejto veci pán Katona rypol ale nedokončil.

Keby nás netlačil termín dodávky kuchyne (ktorým bol 22. január 2009 - mimochodom deň mojich narodenín), nehýbali by sme v dome asi ničím do času, kým by sme nevymámili od Katonu peniaze, ktoré mi dodnes dlhuje. Kuchyňa však bola objednaná, a nebolo cesty späť.
A ruka v ruke s tým - elektrika - bez elektriky to nejde... takže kvôli tomu je elektrika dokončená v dome zhruba na 95% - ostáva už len prerábka v hornej kúpeľni a dotiahnutie do garáže. To počká, inú možnosť nemáme.


As you could see on the pictures taken at the end of December, works connected with the electricity instalation were also left at awfull stage... Like everything else, also this was finished somewhere in the middle of the process.

If we would not be pushed by the delivery term of the kitchen (which was January 22, 2009 - btw my birthday), we would not do anything in the house until the moment of receiving my money back from Katona (he owes it to me up-till-now). But the kitchen was ordered and there was no way back.
Hand-in-hand with this the urgent completion of the electricity at least in the kitchen was needed. Because of this, it was efficient to make the electricity in those rooms which could teoretically be inhabited - so at this moment approx. 95% of the whole cabeling/completing is done. Only the bathroom and connection with garage is left. This has to wait, we have no other chance.

Stromčeky a brečtan / Trees and Ivy in the Garden

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Výsledok dnešného fuj počasia / The result of today´s fuuuuuj weather

Takmer neuveriteľné - včera bol nádherný jarný deň, až sme na večer vymysleli, že sa prejdeme s Corkou do mesta medzi ľudí, nech si opäť zvyká na slušné správanie na ulici (okrem teda známeho prostredia okolo domu, susedov, rodiny, priateľov...). Bolo 14 stupňov, slniečko svietilo až do večera a bola to taká naozajstná jar.

Dnes sa o tom nedalo ani hovoriť. Od rána zamračené, snehové oblaky - akurát nesnežilo ale pršalo, fúkal vietor, miestami sa až vylamovali stromy... no, nič príjemné. Vzhľadom na počasie som bola od rána rada, že sa na celý deň zašijeme do domu a budeme sa venovať komodám... Možno opäť trocha nelogický nápad pre niekoho, kto nepozná súvislosti :-) avšak snažím sa v týchto dňoch - pokiaľ zdravie a okolnosti dovolia, dorábať kopec vecí, aby som zmiernila svoje stavy zúfalstva a nechuti do života, keď vstupujem do domu, v ktorom sme už dávno mali bývať a snívať svoje sny.

Vzhľadom na to, že kuchyňa je už takmer hotová (a hlavne - vyzerá ako kuchyňa), stavebné smeti a odpad priebežne upratujem (až mi z toho platničky hrkajú), v izbách sú už pekné podlahy, elektrika je už takmer hotová všetky zástrčky fungujú, moje pocity sa zlepšujú. Síce pociťujeme aj druhú stranu mince, nakoľko pán Katona zrejme stále kľudne spáva napriek svojim obrovským dlhom voči mne, máme však aspoň dobrý pocit z dobre vykonanej práce.

Dnes sme s mamou zložili 3 veľké a 2 malé komody (teda tie malé budú mať ešte nedefinovanú úlohu...). Šlo nám to šikovne :-) veď Ikea zas občas náhodou vie nakresliť aj trocha zrozumiteľnejšie návody na použitie. Vďakabohu nie je vždy až taká brutálna ako pri mojich obývačkových kusoch nábytku (kresby v inštrukciách boli tak na samovraždu).... Už len keby to všetko nebolo také ťažké čo sa váhy týka - Ikea packaging & logistics myslí skoro na všetko ale na vzpieračské schopnosti žien asi najmenej :-))))

Takže z čoho máme dnes dobrý pocit? No predsa z dobre vykonanej práce a užitočne využitej depresívne ladenej nedele :-)


Almost unbelievable - yesterday we had a sooooo wonderful spring day, that we decided to go for a nice long walk with Cora to the town to refresh her memories regarding to the polite behaviour on the street, between people (except those ones around the house, neighbours, family, friends...). There were 14 degrees, the sun was shining till the evening, and it was almost like real spring-time would come.

Today it was completely forgotten. Cloudy since morning, snow clouds - with only difference - it didn´t snow but rained, combined with wind, at some places it was as strong as trees were broken... so, nothing pleasant. Taking into account the weather I was happy since morning to get lost in the house due to completion of the dressers (we call it "komoda"). May be another un-logical activity for someone who does not know the context :-) but these days, until my health and circumstances are acceptable, I do my best to do a lot of things in the house to reduce my hopelessness and life-distaste feelings, which appear almost immediately when I enter the house which would have been finished already - and where we would have dream our dreams quietly.

As far as the kitchen is almost ready to use (and it looks like a kitchen already), the building scrap and waste are continously cleaned (by me, of course, workers are soooo lazy...), there are nice floors installed in the rooms, electricity is almost finished and all connectors are working already, my feelings are getting better. Unfortunately we still feel very intensively also the cons of our situation (as far as Mr. Katona still sleeps very well in spite of his huge financial debts towards me), we have a good feeling at least of the work well-done since he was fired.

Today we comleted 3 large and 2 small dressers/"komodas" - the small ones still don´t have the exactly defined roles... It was quite handy :-) Ikea accidentally can draw also a little bit more understandable user guides... Thanksgod in this case it was easy, not as cruel as in the case of my living-room furniture.... that job was really enough to commit a suicide due to the completely stupid drawings in the instructions... One black point for Ikea: everything is too heavy for women - Ikea packaging & logistics doesn´t really respect women´s weightlifting skills :-))))

So - what is the reason of having a good feeling today? Surely the well-done work and efficiently used depressive Sunday :-)

Friday, February 6, 2009

Nové podlahy v izbách / Floor in the rooms

Materiál na podlahy som nakúpila už dosť dávno, presnejšie - objednané boli už v auguste 2008 (vzhľadom na to, že v priebehu septembra mali byť v dome položené). Do domu sa doniesli v novembri (keď ich pokládka už vyzerala nádejne...), avšak v zmysle prístupu pána Katonu ich nakoniec inštaloval pán Benka v januári 2009.

Vrelá vďaka pánu Benkovi, veľa nám pomohol - nielen čo sa týka podlahy, ale aj iných vecí - hlavne myší... a upchávania dier v strope, ktoré zostali po Katonovom odchode - a cez ktoré myši vandrovali krížom krážom...


Material for the floor has been bought quite long time ago - it was ordered in August 2008 (due to the fact that floor was planned to be installed in the course of September). And it was placed in the house in November (as far as I received the information about the quick instalation...), but, finally as Mr. Katona didn´t do anything at all with it, finally Mr. Benka installed it in January 2009.

Many thanks to Mr. Benka for his help - not only with the floor, also with other things - mostly mouses... and filling the holes in the ceiling (left after Katona) - which were the best corridors for these stupid grey animals to come down and explore the house...